10 min
4 People

Perfect With


  • 1 Botella de GatoNegro Chardonnay
  • 1 garrafa de GatoNegro Chardonnay
  • 1 limão siciliano
  • 1 limão
  • ¼  de copo de açúcar
  • 1 copo de pêssego congelado
  • 1 copo de morangos
  • ½ maçã verde
  • ¼  de copo de vodka
  • ¼  de copo de mirtilo
  • ¼  de copo de água com gás
  • Menta fresca


  • Slice the lemon and lime and sugar. Stir for a few seconds, until the fruit starts to release its juice.
  • Add vodka, green apple, peaches, blueberries and strawberries.
  • Add wine, and mix all the ingredients.
  • Serve with lots of ice, a touch of sparkling water and fresh mint. Cheers!