Semi Sweet Red

Inspired by sweetness and smoothness! Perfect to drink in any occasion and any place with friends. Meow-nificent.

Aromas e sabores

Discover refreshing red fruit flavors and aromas in this wine spritzer, full of cherry cheesecake and blueberry pie notes, with light bubbles and low alcohol. Scrumptious.

Perrrfeito com…

With desserts or as an aperitive.


Dark ruby red


15-17º C / 59-63º F


Outros Sabores


Sabor peRRRfeito com notas de ameixa e baunilha fazem desse vinho um deleite.

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Cabernet sauvignon

Atrevido e elegante, com notas de morangos e chocolate. Maravilhoso.

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Suave, delicado, com notas de cranberry e final adocicado. Cheio de gat-itude.

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